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advanced usage

this page has information on how to manually modify skin or cape overrides, rather than using the ui.

skin overrides are stored in .minecraft/skin_overrides, and cape overrides are stored in .minecraft/cape_overrides.

  • Directory.minecraft
    • Directoryskin_overrides contains all your skin override files
      • Directorylibrary contains your library textures
        • example.png
      • library.json the library’s definition
      • example.png the actual overrides
      • example.txt
    • Directorycape_overrides contains all your cape override files
      • Directorylibrary
        • example.png
      • library.json
      • example.png
      • example.txt

overrides format

overrides are stored in the skin_overrides or cape_overrides folders. they can either be a txt file or a png file.

to identify a player, a file name must include a player id. a player id can be one of the following:

  • the player’s username (case does not matter) (eg oriifu)
  • the player’s uuid (case and hyphens do not matter) (eg f369e23f-ed67-4f6a-8e79-4a2ca148691a)

png files

a png override simply replaces the skin/cape texture with the file. files should be called [id].png.

for skins, files will be processed like other skins. this means, for instance, if you have a legacy <1.8 skin, you can use it, and the game will upgrade it just like it would any other skin.

with skins, you can also optionally provide a model. the model can either be wide or slim, and goes in the filename like [id].[model].png.

  • Directoryskin_overrides
    • ORIIFU.png overrides oriifu’s skin with this image (defaults to wide model)
    • ix0rai.slim.png overrides ix0rai’s skin with this image (slim model)
    • thonkman.wide.png overrides Thonkman’s skin with this image (wide model)
  • Directorycape_overrides
    • oriifu.png overrides oriifu’s cape

txt files

txt files are always named [id].png and contain a namespaced id. right now the only functioning namespace is skin_overrides, which will use the skin/cape from the library with the given id. if the id doesn’t exist, nothing will happen.


library format

the library.json file in either the skin or cape overrides folders contains a list of library objects:

namestringthe name of the library entry. will be shown in the ui.yes
idstringthe id of the library entry. should be any unique string.yes
filestringthe name of a file in the library folder.yes, or texture
texturestringthe namespaced id of a texture.yes, or file
modelstringfor skins. either wide or slim.skins only

here is an example library, and how it can be used:

  • Directoryskin_overrides
    • Directorylibrary
      • some_skin.png
    • library.json
    • oriifu.txt
"name": "my skin",
"id": "my_awesome_skin",
"file": "some_skin.png",
"model": "slim"

the images used in the library (for the file key) are stored in the library folder, under the respective overrides folder.

the library file is reloaded every time the library screen is opened, or every 2 seconds.